New Movie on Jesus’ Childhood


Interesting. I like Sean Bean as an actor but the movie does not interest me too much other than it being a point of cultural reference from which to talk about the historical jesus with others who see it. I find it interesting that they quote Philippians while using mostly information outside of the new testament canon. Most of the stories of Jesus’ childhood are not found in our most reliable sources. I take it they are drawing much of their content from the gnostic gospel accounts including the infancy gospel of thomas. These “gospels” are written in late 2nd through the 4th century AD on conservative estimates. Muhammed was also apparently aware of the infancy gospel of thomas story as he inserted a similar story in Quran 3:49 when jesus turns clay into birds. If we want to know about Jesus, the best historical sources we have are the new testament gospel accounts which were written within the first century and spread while those who had seen him were still alive. We cannot trust later sources to the same extent (the Quran was written over 600 years after the accounts). We also see jewish and roman historians (josephus and tacitus, respectively) referring the christ and christianity. They were contemporaneous with the writers of the new testament gospels and provide extra-biblical corroboration on top of the independently attested gospel accounts.

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